악세서리 디지털백 전용 어댑터 XF카메라 마운트 디지털백용 아답타
페이지 정보
작성자케이피유어스 댓글 0건 조회 3,365회 작성일 19-04-16 10:02본문
XF카메라 마운트 디지털백용 아답타
ALPA backadapter XF
The new adapter is optimized for the use together with all Phase One IQ3 digital backs and later. The outer shape follows the contour and features of the all new XF camera body.
Nevertheless the adapter can also be used with older digital backs with the Mamyia 645 AF interface and is mechanically compatible. The outer shape can differ from older Phase One P and IQ as well as Leaf Credo backs.
Product remarks: ALPA backadapter Phase One XF Mk II adj., for Phase One and Leaf backs adapted for the Phase One XF interface (compatible to MA645AB), adjustable with shim kit, max. +/- 3/10 mm in steps down to 1/100 mm. For digital backs only.
ITEM NO | 190.035.011 |
... D I M E N S I O N S ... | |
WIDTH | 98 mm |
HEIGHT | 90 mm |
LENGTH | 12 mm |
WEIGHT | 73 g |
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